Archive for March 4, 2014

Finn Lee Zeilman - my best friend in the world, and the reason for this blog.

Finn Lee Zeilman – my best friend in the world, and the reason for this blog.

Hello everyone,

I wanted to talk about a very important topic that is relevant to anyone that has a dog that comes from a so-called “dangerous” breed (Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Akitas, etc.). As a bully mom, I became very interested in learning the ins and outs of what lawmakers in this country like to call BSL (Breed Specific Legislation). According to the ASPCA, BSL is “the blanket term for laws that either regulate or ban certain breeds completely in the hopes of reducing dog attacks.” Some townships, cities, and thoroughfares establish their own set rules within their limits based on what they feel might best protect citizens. In many cases (if not all, really), these laws (and breed bans) are enacted too quickly without the proper education, and are usually caused by a few isolated incidents that happened with more than one breed of dog (and not the above mentioned ones) involved.
